BC's On-Farm Anaerobic Digestion Website


Launched in 2012, Cowpower is a way for businesses, residents and event planners to support anaerobic digester adoption in BC. To find out how you can show your support, visit the Cowpower website by clicking here

To provide an official support role for the development of anaerobic digestion projects in British Columbia.
What is a carbon offset?
A carbon offset is a voluntary reduction, avoidance or removal enhancement equal to one metric tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e)...
Will an anaerobic digester generate carbon offsets?
It is highly likely that anaerobic digesters will generate legitimate carbon offsets that can then be sold. However, for an anaerobic ...
Where can I sell carbon offsets?
In B.C., there are currently two principle markets in carbon offsets can be sold. These are the Pacific Carbon Trust and the voluntary market...
Is there any funding available for anaerobic digesters in B.C.?
Currently there are several programs in B.C. that could potentially provide funding for anaerobic digestion. For more information, please see the opportunities tab.

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